The average rate of Albanians living under the poverty line in Balkans (countries of Albania, Kosova, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) is about 25%. That is one in every four people. You can make a difference by lending a helping hand today!
Qurban means sacrifice. Every year during the Islamic month of Dhul-Hijjah, Muslims around the world slaughter an animal to reflect the Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail, for the sake of Allah. You can now send your donations through Mergata for Qurban.
Many families living in hardship experience hunger on a daily basis, never knowing if they will receive three meals a day. We believe that every person, especially children, deserves to have full tummies. For only $120 (about €75) you could feed a family for a month. You can make a difference today!
Many families still live in shacks like the family of Pllumb Baci whom we built the house in Tropoja or they live separated as they haven't got a roof over their head like the family of Emerllah Berisha whom we built a house in Malisheva. Housing a family is a major undertaking both financially and time consuming but also a permanent solution for the most needed. Building a house costs between AU27,000 - AU29,000 (about €17000 - €18,000) which means that we would need one hundred donations of about $280 to house a family.
Together we can make a difference!
If you’d like to donate an amount that is not listed in the level of giving options, you can also donate any amount and it will be used to help the most needy people across the Balkan region to help improve lives.
• Bank: Westpac
• BSB: 033 121
• Account Number: 456 734
* Please specify your NAME as payment reference.
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